Learn Icelandic faster with private lessons

Try before you buy with a free trial class with any of our wonderful teachers.

No risk, great rewards

Our try-before-you-buy policy and union support make private classes a more affordable option than you might think.

Try for free

Every teacher has their own personality, their own approach, and one size does not fit all. Try before you buy: get a free trial class with any of our teachers to see whose style fits you best.

Get a 75-100% discount

Unions generally reimburse between 75-100% of the cost of private classes. Check with your union to see your eligibility - you might even get your classes for free!

Class is when YOU decide

Schedule classes to fit your busy calendar, ensuring that learning Icelandic aligns seamlessly with your other commitments.

Learn at YOUR pace

No more waiting for the slowest student in class or catching up to the fastest. Progress at your own pace.

YOU are the star of the show

You never have to share the spotlight, and you’ll never fall through the cracks. Enjoy your teacher’s undivided attention.

Student testimonials

We’re happy to blow our own horn all day long, but you don’t have to take our word for how good we are. See what these nice people, who we did not bribe with baked goods at all, have to say.

"Valgerður is an AMAZING teacher! I strongly recommend her to anyone that wants to learn Icelandic, with the understanding that you cannot have my slots."

Alan Bryan


"Þóra is a delightful teacher: extremely patient and non-judgmental, not to mention she's always smiling. She instills confidence, which is very important to me as a beginner level - and middle-aged - student."
Smiling woman with sunglasses

Laurel Latimer

Instructional Designer

Choose your teacher

Private teachers are like shoes: you have to give them a try to know if they’re a good fit for you. Get a free trial class with any teacher.

Þóra standing in front of a red wall smiling to the camera.A headshot of Valgerður with a knowing smile.


The Wanderer
A headshot of Valgerður with a knowing smile.

Valgerður has a deep understanding of the difficulties of learning a language, being a lifelong language learner herself. Her approach is rooted in that empathy, creating a safe space where mistakes are celebrated as stepping stones toward proficiency.

Valgerður has been teaching Icelandic as a second language for 6 years, and with a BA and MA in Russian and a diploma in pedagogy, you couldn’t imagine a better teacher.

Valgerður does not offer lessons in person.
Valgerður offers lessons online.
"Þóra is encouraging, patient and experienced.  If you're thinking of starting to study Icelandic, or improving your level, she is great."

Leah Roseman

Þóra Ingvarsdóttir Stewart

The Bilingual Blizzard
Þóra standing in front of a red wall smiling to the camera.

Half-English, half-Icelandic, and all fun, Þóra brings a unique bilingual perspective to her classroom (as well as an accent that would make Hugh Grant swoon). Her approach emphasises getting her students to speak and teaching vocabulary and grammar through guided conversations as she adapts to each student's needs like a linguistic chameleon.

Absolutely seeped in language, Þóra has been a translator for over 5 years and a private Icelandic teacher since ye olden days of 2016, when she got her start with iTalki.

Þóra does not offer lessons in person.
Þóra offers lessons online.
I've been confusing the pronunciation until I met Þóra. She will provide me with many media types to strengthen my listening and speaking skills through dialogue. I highly recommend taking classes with Þóra as your best choice.
A short-haired woman smiling to the camera.

Edith Yen

Retired geography teacher

Try a free class with any teacher


Most unions will reimburse you 75-100% of the cost. Check with your union!

Before union subsidy
12,000 ISK /class
Total: 120,000 ISK
First class is free
Your part after union subsidy
3,000 ISK /class
Total: 30,000 ISK
First class is free
This is assuming you only get 75% subsidy from your union. Many unions will reimburse you more.
Book a free class
Before union subsidy
14,000 ISK /class
Total: 70,000 ISK
First class is free
Your part after union subsidy
3,500 ISK /class
Total: 17,500 ISK
First class is free
This is assuming you only get 75% subsidy from your union. Many unions will reimburse you more.
Book a free class

Frequently asked questions

Answering questions is kind of our thing.

How much will MY union pay?

Here is the percentage of the cost you can get back from various unions. If you can't find your union on the list, don't worry: it's not an exhaustive list.

  • 75%: Efling, Drífandi
  • 80%: SSF
  • 90%: VR, Framsýn, AFL, Báran, and Hlíf
  • 100%: BHM, FÍN, Fræðagarður, KÍ, Sameyki, and Stamos

Please note that while this is accurate to the best of our knowledge, always check with your union to be certain.

How long is each class?

Each class is 45 minutes long.

How many times per week should I have class?

It depends.

If you have tons of free time and motivation for homework, and you find that you have tons of questions all the time, maybe having class twice a week works for you.

If you are raising thirteen kids, working 60 hour work-weeks, and secretly moonlight as a vigilante superhero at night, you might prefer having class only every other week. Or just whenever you find that you have an opening in your schedule.

Most people try to have class around once a week.

Should I take private classes or the self-study course?

It depends.

If you're an independent learner on a budget, the self-study course might be best for you.

If you'd like more hands-on expert guidance and don't mind paying for the expertise, private classes are your best bet.

How long does it take to learn Icelandic?

It depends.

It can take as little as a day to be able to order at a café, if you’re Danish and have a good instructor. It will take multiple lifetimes to be able to write a doctoral thesis, if you’re Vietnamese and never read or listen to any Icelandic.

As a rule of thumb, though, it takes about 1-2 years to reach equal footing with natives for day-to-day communication, assuming you’re immersed in the language on a daily basis.

Still have questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us directly!

Check out our other offerings

Private classes aren't your speed? Don’t worry: we're versatile, and can still make it easi(er) for you to learn through other means.

Self-study course

What’s the fastest way to learn a language? What resources are worth my time? And how do I use them as effectively as possible? You’ll learn all these things and more in the speaking course.

The self-study course is perfect for:

  • Independent learners
  • The budget-conscious
  • Those who want to learn how to learn